So yeah, I’m late for my Sunday Salon, but never
mind that, today I’m doing a 2-in-1 version of my Sunday Salon post and a

Now, I have to admit, I did NOT like this
video. Not because I don’t like Lauren, I kinda do; not because I don’t like
crafts, I’m not very crafty but I like the ideas. No, I didn’t like it because
she starts the video saying that this is a great way to display books….but is
not, is a great idea to have clever storage, so salvage books that are too old
or too torn to hold themselves together, but truth be told, she is not displaying
However, most of the people out there that are
mad (I’m talking REALLY mad people, like crazy mad) because “she murdered the
books” or things like that…well, she didn’t. Other than that, she didn’t
murdered or killed anything. Dearest, the tree that was used to make the book
died a long time ago, but is not über dead because they undid the book. I think
she would’ve avoided a lot of (unnecessary) hate if she would’ve done the craft
with stained books, old books, etc, books that otherwise would’ve ended up as
recycled paper, instead of brand new ones.
But let’s talk about this for a while. I’ve
told you guys before, I’m a fan of paperback, because you can take them
wherever without the weight, you can bend them, and not feel awful because they
not longer look new…in my world, the paperback that looks new is just unread,
so…read it! I will NOT write or underline my books, I don’t like it, but is
mostly because I like lending books, and I think that if I underline something,
people are going to be biased to that part that I marked, and I want the read
to be as fresh as possible. Doggy ears? Debatable, but if I have nothing else
to mark down something I want to come back to, I will make some, as small as
possible, again, for the same reason that I do no underline. I used post-it
flags, and re use them as long as they stick. And yes, I have some hardcovers
that I treat with a lot of care. If I’m borrowing a book I will probably make
it an extra cover out of a manila envelope, but that’s out of respect to the
person that lent me the book, I try to give it back in the same condition I got
it. If the book is mine, and you see me taking extra good care of the book…is
probably because it has an emotional story behind, and I would like to keep
that particular version of the book as long as it is possible.
But this ludicrous position that the books are
being somewhat harmed…well, that’s when you lost me. As Rebecca Joines Schinsky
puts it in Book Riot, is the story that should count, is the story that is
alive, not the cumuli of sheets. Is the message between those pages that comes
to live when you read it.
In a world where more and more people are
turning to e-readers (I haven’t fall into that trend, I really like to change
pages and the smell of books) I cannot understand this uprising for some “physical”
books. People are madder about this that when someone in Goodreads insults an
author that they just didn’t enjoy!.
So what’s your position on this? Are you mad at
Lauren? Do you think books should be kept in golden shrines and never been
touched or are you a sharing is sexy type of person?
Have a lovely week!
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