Sunday, January 20, 2013

TSS: Should I get an e-reader?

Hello everybody. I hope you had a great week so far.  I'm sure by now you all know what this post is going to be about. I mentioned a while ago that I hadn't fall for the e-reader trend...well back then it seemed like that, just a trend. 

Let's make something very clear. I do NOT want to replace my paper books. No. That's just not going to happen. But, you see, I'm starting to wonder if I should get myself an e-reader and I have several reasons why this might be a good idea:
First of all, the amount of articles I have to print is ridiculous! In my field (I'm not saying JUST in my field)  you are supposed to read a whole lot of articles, related to your subject or not, and it so happens that I get way to tired reading them on my PC. Time for a confession: I use a contact lens. Yes you read right, just one. Why? Because my right eye has a 20/20 vision thank you very much (not sure if you can say that for just one eye) whereas my left eye...well, let's put it this way. You all know the typical chart at the doctor with a big E starting to check your vision? Well, my left eye can barely notice that is supposed to be an E without my lens. With it I can make it up to the 3rd or 4th line.  Bottom line, even though I love reading, it gets me really tired to do so on my PC  with the backlight and all.  So right there, anyone who was going to suggest a tablet, I'm afraid that wouldn't be a solution for this problem. 

So what I was picturing was reading my articles, most of them at least in an e-reader, good for the environment and good for my eyes. For the ones with a lot of microscope images I would still have to check those in my PC, but it would for sure reduce the amount that I have to print!

Second reason? There are a LOT of books giveaways  that I'm missing out! So far I've only read one e-book and I liked the experience, although I had to borrow a Kobo for that. 

And then we have a third reason and is the fact that sometimes is very inconvenient to carry my books everywhere! When I'm at home it's fine; when we are with the car is fine. But you guys! The frustration of taking out a book of my purse (assuming I manage to put it inside!) and seeing that is all folded?  Since a lot of the books I read are from the library I feel awful if those books get mistreated. I feel bad if they are mine too, but less bad, you know what I mean? So my brilliant plan would be to leave my heavy, bulky or borrowed book in my nightstand  and read it in the "safety" of my home, and keep another book (not the same one, probably) in my e-reader to when I have to commute or wait for an appointment.

So that bring us to the biggest question. Should I get an e-reader? And if so, which one? 

I'm between the Kobo Mini or Glo, the Kindle Paperwhite or the Nook Simple touch™ with or without GlowLight™. I'm hesitant as to whether I need the light or not, because, let's face it, I rarely never read without a lamp next to me. So, is it really worth it for the price? 

So far the only "bad" thing I've seen with the Kobo Mini would be the size, since is a 5" screen vs a 6" for all the rest, but that also makes it the smallest, easiest one to carry with me. Also, Kobo has a bunch of free books available that I've wanting to read, so that's a plus, for either the Mini or the Glo.

The Kindle Paperwhite has great reviews and I know someone who has it and is "in love" with it. He says that there is no problem with PDF compatibility, only with EPUB. That and the fact that I could only buy it through, not .ca and that reads as extra fees. 

What to do, what to do. What do you think? Any other suggestions?