Wednesday, January 9, 2013

TSS: New year, New books, New look

Hello everybody!. I hope you all had a very nice holiday season, full of happiness, good food, merry moments with your family and, off course new books.

Me? I can't complaint. I got a lot of books that I had on my wishlist and then some. The boyfriend and I celebrated our birthday this week-end and so I got even more books! Here they are:


For Christmas my boyfriend got me The Sister Brothers, UnOrthodox and Bossypants, and his cousin got us Paul à la pêche. Also, from LibraryThing I got The Webs of Varok. And finally for my birthday he got me The Nightmare and my father-in-law got me The Last Unicorn and Haroun and the Sea of Stories. The last one made me a bit teary since is a book I read when I was a kid and I only remembered the story, not the title, and he got it for me!.

Anyway, remember when a few months ago I mentioned I wanted to change my blog's look? Well, I'm sure you have noticed by now my new banner. I had already changed the background and did all the legal stuff last year. Well, since my brother was with me for the holidays I hired them to do the banner. What do you think? I am very happy with it :).

Have a lovely week, I think I will be posting a new review this week!