Book Summary (From the book)
Meet Fritti Tailchaser, a
ginger tom cat of rare courage and curiosity, a born survivor in a world of
heroes and villains, of powerful feline gods and whiskery legends about those
strange, furless, erect creatures called M'an. Join Tailchaser on his magical
quest to rescue his catfriend Hushpad -a quest that will take him all the way
to cat hell and beyond...
Recently I read The Dirty Streets of Heaven and I liked
it. So when Veronica talked about this book in the S&L podcast...well let's
just say it really caught my attention.
The edition that I read
had a special introduction from the author and right there it grabbed me:
And for the first
couple of years the I lived as a human domesticated by cats, it pretty much
stayed that way [...]
A human domesticated by
cats! I was reading this part with my cat on my legs, very carefully so he
wouldn't be disturbed, and just couldn't help but smile to such
sentence...because is completely true.
Are you a cat person? If
you are not, is ok, I am, but I will not make a post telling you how awesome
cats are in my opinion. But this is a book for a person that has interact with
cats at least once. The way Williams describes the daily routine of the felines,
they "dancing", the interactions is just possible if you had a cat.
It was very amusing to me read a particular part, look up and see Hoppi doing
the exact same thing.
I really enjoyed the
mythology that Williams created, the Gods, the way the world was created, how
Man, oops, sorry, M'an came to be show a very good story telling ability.
I was a bit disappointed
with what happens to Hushpad, Tailchaser's object of affection; I won't
give you much details, but I was
actually proud of Tailchaser for his final decision.
A lot of people, me
included, will say that this book feels a little bit like LOTR with cats, and
although there are several similar moments (just like HP has them too) I
believe this book can stand on his own, thanks once again to the mythology
I wish there was a second
part to the book, because there are some characters that I would love to know
what happened to them after the whole ordeal.
This is another book that
will go to my list of books to read to my kids, if ever I do have kids.