Book Summary (from Goodreads)
December 10, 1996, Jill Bolte Taylor, a thirty-seven- year-old Harvard-trained
brain scientist experienced a massive stroke in the left hemisphere of her
brain. As she observed her mind deteriorate to the point that she could not
walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life-all within four hours-Taylor
alternated between the euphoria of the intuitive and kinesthetic right brain,
in which she felt a sense of complete well-being and peace, and the logical,
sequential left brain, which recognized she was having a stroke and enabled her
to seek help before she was completely lost. It would take her eight years to
fully recover.
For Taylor, her stroke was a blessing and a revelation. It taught her that by "stepping to the right" of our left brains, we can uncover feelings of well-being that are often sidelined by "brain chatter." Reaching wide audiences through her talk at the Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) conference and her appearance on Oprah's online Soul Series, Taylor provides a valuable recovery guide for those touched by brain injury and an inspiring testimony that inner peace is accessible to anyone.
For Taylor, her stroke was a blessing and a revelation. It taught her that by "stepping to the right" of our left brains, we can uncover feelings of well-being that are often sidelined by "brain chatter." Reaching wide audiences through her talk at the Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) conference and her appearance on Oprah's online Soul Series, Taylor provides a valuable recovery guide for those touched by brain injury and an inspiring testimony that inner peace is accessible to anyone.
My Review
was the last book I read during the Read-a-Thon, a recommendation from my
boyfriend. It was a short book and it
looked like the geeky non-fiction perfect subject to finish my quest and go to
bed happy. Sadly I was disappointed. Don't get me wrong, is not a bad book. But
I was expecting (once again, my fault, having high expectations kills sometimes
the experience) some more insight.
author tells us a little bit about her life before the stroke and then my
favorite chapter was the one that tells us how she got the stroke. That part I
really liked; her description of feeling the lost of her brain functions is so
scientifically thorough! How she knew what was happening and yet couldn't do
anything about it; how somehow she managed to communicate with someone and
hence save her life. How she got to the hospital and some people were less than
kind and how she would've preferred being treated...except that this part
started being repetitive...a little bit too much.
then it got (somehow) spiritual...the power of well being, and self healing...things
I was not expecting. I am not against this at all, I believe in the fact that
if you feel well you have better chances of getting better, but I cannot accept
people telling me that they "cure" themselves from cancer through
prayer, or through star bathing...I'm sorry if I offend anyone by saying this,
is not something against religion or any type of believes, is simply that I am
a scientist, and hence believe in medicine as much as traditional as what is
called "eastern" medicine. I do not believe in over medication
either, but I'm drifting of subject.
of the sudden my "scientific geeky" book turned new age, and Dr. Bolte
Taylor started talking about angel cards, and positive energy...again, here I
was expecting to learn about how she reformed her neuron paths for fine
synchronization; how she retrained motor skills; how her X hemisphere
compensated for the other one being damage...instead I got a self help book in
disguise (I do not like self help books in case you didn't notice)
love my right side of the brain, is the one that gets all tingly when I'm
listening to Tchaikovsky's Violin concerto in D (Op 35); is also the one who
controls all my left side body. But I felt the book turned into a selling
brochure for embracing your right side and how we are one with the
universe...that's when my left side started complaining...a lot. I know is
going to sound a bit mean, but I think her right side took over a little bit
too much, pushing aside one of the things I like the most: Scientific Thought.
why 3 mushrooms? Because the part that was kept strictly scientific was very
nicely written; because at the end of the book with the appendixes I finally
learned, I felt that if anyone close to me had a stroke I was actually better
prepared to be there for them; because of the nice, well explained intro to
brain biology. And
finally because of this lovely quote: