Thursday, August 30, 2012

R*I*P My first challenge!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the first challenge I’ve EVER participated. I’m off course not counting my yearly reading challenge, because that’s a goal I give myself every year, but is not a “communal” challenge.

This time however, Miss Grace from Books without anypictures (she has a great blog, you should check it out) talked about R.I.P. VII. What is that, you ask? R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril is a “challenge” organized by Carl V from Stainless Steel Droppings, although he doesn’t like calling it a challenge: 

While I don’t have any personal grudge against folks challenging themselves to read a certain number of books, or books outside their comfort zone, this event is primarily about the great pleasure that can be found in embracing this type of fiction/non-fiction during this season of the year.

The season goes from September to end of October, and invites us to enjoy books or television/movies that fall into spooky categories (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Dark Fantasy, Gothic, Horror and Supernatural). 

There are different Perils depending on how you want to participate, and I’ve chosen “Peril the First” which involves me reading 4 books that fall into the genres mentioned before. I checked my reading progress this year, and it didn’t seem farfetched to go for this number, and I had a couple of books either in my bookshelf or in the library waiting to be read, so voilà! 

For the first time I will have a stricter list of books that have to be read in a limited period of time, and they are:

That’s more than 4 you say? Well…yeah, but the last three I’m taking from the library, and they are all taken right now, so I’m not 100% sure I will get them on time. I also have a couple “jockers”

               Anna dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake (this one I might buy this weekend, because is on sale)

         Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe…but A) I’ve already read most of the tales in this version, even though I wouldn’t mind re reading them. B) is a 842 pages, so I could only read it at home. This could mean not being able to finish 4 books in total. 

           Four Past Midnight by Stephen King...same problem as the one before

Anyway, I will keep you posted, as soon as I finish The Ice Princess I will start the challenge officially. I thought I could count it as part of the challenge, but I think is more of a crime novel, with some dark twists…so I'm not sure about it.

**Note: for know the links to the books will take you to GoodReads, as the challenge progresses I will change the links to my reviews ^-^**


  1. Welcome to RIP! Carl V. is such a great host and his "challenges" are always such fun. I think RIP was my first challenge quite a few years ago. I enjoyed the Taker and I am about to start reading the sequel, the Reckoning. And I loved the older Anne Rice books including the Tale of the Body Thief. I am thinking of trying the Passage and Miss Peregrine's so I look forward to your reviews. Have fun.

    1. Thank you so much. So far I'm having a lot of fun with the challenge.

  2. The Passage is one of my favorites! The sequel comes out (finally!) in November, which I can't wait for. Enjoy RIP, I'm joining as well and I love reading everyone's reviews!

    1. I'm waiting to get that one from the library but I'm on the waiting list, however I'm really looking forward to since I heard great comments about at Bookriot ^-^

  3. Welcome to R.I.P.!!! Grace does indeed have a great blog and I'm happy you found out about this through her and decided to join in. Thanks!

    As I've come to this after reading two of your reviews it looks as if you are knocking this thing out of the park thus far and are really enjoying yourself. That puts a big smile on my face. I hope you have a bunch more great reading experiences over the next few months.

  4. Oooh, yeah! Glad to see that you're doing RIP too! It's one of my favorite challenges because it's pressure-free and just a lot of fun.

    I read Miss Peregrine's a few days ago and loved it. I need to write up my review for it at some point soon... it's eerie in a delightful way. :D

    1. I picked it up from the library this week, is the next one in line as soon as I finish the Taker. I'm glad you liked it!
