Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hardcover or Paperback

OMG, it's been so long since I had time to write a discussion! Right now I'm still at the lab (lately is either here or at home, I swear I'm just watching the summer pass by through a window) but I have a long incubation, so I can take some time off.

I was discussing the other day with my boyfriend and some friends about our views on paperbacks vs hardcover books. Personally, I like both, but I don't mind having a paperback instead of the hardcover because it takes less space in my bag and (usually) weights less too. Also, and as a student this is something I cannot neglect, they tend to be less expensive. I think it doesn't really matter, since the story is the same, and that's what I want in a book, a good story.

My boyfriend on the other hand, prefers hardcovers. He just likes them better. But to be fair, he rarely reads outside home, and when we do, we go to a park and we just put both books in a bag carefully.

So what about you guys? Hardcover or Paperback?


  1. I love having every book I've ever read so for book shelf material hardback always looks nicer. For reading I prefer paperback but not the small paperbacks, I absolutely love the big paperbacks that are the same size as the hardback.

    1. I agree that the hardcover looks nicer in the shelf. I also like owning books, but I don't own every book I've read, I'm a fan of public libraries ^-^

  2. I prefer either paperbacks or e-books. I do most of my reading while on public transit or at lunch, and lugging around a hardcover book just isn't practical.

    1. Likewise, even if I'm reading it electrioniucslly I'll buy a used copy online to stick in my book shelf :D

    2. I totally agree bookswithoutanypictures, that's one of the main reasons I like paperbacks so much, because I can take them with me. Funny enough, I haven't been able to fall for e-readers. I need the smell of paper I guess :)

  3. Paperbacks or ebooks are the best when it comes to price and transporting from one place to another but if I really love a book that I have read, I try to make it a point to purchase the hardback to add to my library for keeps. If it's a keeper, i'm most likely going to go back and get the hardback.


    1. It's funny Sabrina, most of you guys have come to the same point, that the hardcover are better if you want to keep them in your library. Although I agree with that, I also love seeing the paperbacks in my bookshelf and remembering where I took them and where they took me. (Lovely blog by the way ;))

  4. I prefer paperbacks. They don't weigh as much as hardcovers, are much cheaper (I'm a student!) and smaller, so you can fit more books in the same space. I only buy hardbacks if the book was published several years ago, but there is still no paperback edition. If I want to read something that was published very recently, I go to the library and they usually have it.
    The funny thing is that I do the opposite with DVDs. I buy the more expensive special editions.

    1. Hey Hellen, I totally understand, being also a student. But for the DVDs I get why you would do that, specially since the special editions usually get extra features!
      (Por cierto, me encanta la idea de tener los dos blogs para lectores en inglés y español :))

  5. Paperback. For one thing the books are cheaper and are easier to trasport to the beach for the day.
