Sunday, April 15, 2012

TSS: Busy Week

Hello everybody! This was a busier week that I expected. Not only in the lab, but in my blog too! Fingers crossed corrections for my first article should be finished soon. First things first, I got my first follower! And right after her, 3 more came. I feel a bit silly that this makes me so happy, but it’s a great feeling when someone acknowledges your work. So thank you!

Now, you might have noticed, but I finally have some tabs in the blog. Is a work in progress, but I wanted to take out the gadget for Reviewed Books and make it a proper page, so I could have ratings on it, organize it, etc. Yeah, yeah, I’m a bit of an order freak. Believe me, if I had the time I would go back to all my old posts and unify fonts, etc. Maybe one day. 

I also have a “Discussions” tab now. Sometimes I find an article or something, reading related that makes me want to share it and…well, discuss it. Since I’m getting more and more of this type of posts, I decided it should be organized too. This week post is about Book Critics. Oh and a TSS tab, you know, just to keep everything in order ;)

    Books wise, I have several reasons to celebrate. 
  1.  My boyfriend’s book finally arrived…Drop Dead Healthy, by A.J. Jacobs. He was so happy! (I’m happy too, since I will be borrowing it).
  2. I got 2 books from the LybraryThing Early Reviewers program, and they are now on my to-read list officially.
  3. Last but not least, I finished book 1 of 1Q84. As you will see in the review there is a lot (more than I expected) to talk about. I have to finish the book before the 25th of April, since there is a long waiting list in the library, and I don’t want to keep people from reading it. But so far it has being easy to read, so I’m not worried.


  1. I like the discussions tab - good idea!

    I'll keep an eye on your review updates on 1Q84. I changed my mind about it a lot while I was reading. My review is here:

    1. Thank you! We will see, so far I'm liking the second book too :)

  2. I only recently learned how to make tabs on my Blogger sites, so I can relate to the excitement....great idea to have tabs related to books you've reviewed.


    1. The Chaperone seems like an interesting book! I think I will give it a try after reducing my to-read list :).

  3. I'm eager to read Drop Dead Healthy, too. I wish it would come in for me at the library.

    And I'm always thrilled when I get a new follower. You have a lovely blog, and I'm happily your fifth follower!

    1. Thank you for your words. I hope you enjoy your time in Houston!

  4. I look forward to hearing if 1Q84 is worth its weight. cheers.

    1. So far it is, I'm devouring the second book, but I can see why is not for everyone. The rest of the review will be coming soon.
